Monday, April 4, 2011

First Impresssions

We're here!!!!!

Poco Cielo Resort's Pool Area, courtesy of

We arrived in San Jose, the capital city, well after dark last night. Getting through customs was a snap, and before we knew it we were being wisked away into the night by three of the four full time staff members of EMI, America Latina.

Poco Cielo Resort is gorgeous to say the least, and will make a fine home away from home as we visit.

As we turned in for the night, the trees were alive with sounds: birds, what I'm assuming were monkeys, and insects. About three in the morning the roosters started crowing as they anticipated the rise of the sun which occurs at 5:30 here! And can I tell you that one of the roosters crowing reminded me of a young boy entering puberty? It's cock-a-doodle squeaked through many an octave as it practiced it's crow!

On today's agenda:
- Appointments at two different elementary schools in Atenas to foresee what schooling options abound.
- EMI office tour and time of worship while there.
- Women's lunch at a staff member's home.
- Tour Atenas neighborhoods with a staff family.
- Dinner with a staff family.

Since the sun rises at 5:30, the day, too, begins at that time for most. And once the sun goes down, around 5:30 p.m. the day ends and most folks are in bed by 8 p.m. So we've started early and will turn in early tonight!

Much love to all and we covet your prayers! And please forgive any typos. The spell check is in Spanish and is indicating that just about every word is wrong. Feel free to spell check as you read and offer grace accordingly! :O)


Unknown said...

Since the sky is gray and its windy I tried to blow this picture up real big and put my face real close - still not feeling like I'm there. Its beautiful. Our prayers are for a Lord willing, blessed day.

Unknown said...

Garrett says he hopes you are having a good time, and it is no fair that he is not there.Ditto for me(Mom) and all the kids.

Little apartment in the city said...

Love you guys! Enjoy in between/during the busy-ness!! We're so glad you are taking this trip.

Ellen in Denver said...

I'm so excited about your adventure and what a unique place God has lead you! Can't wait for more updates!