Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring Fun Montana Style

Close your eyes, relax, and let me set the stage for you...

It's a not-so balmy-5o degree May day, and the sun peeks from the clouds on occasion. The breeze is slightly nippy, blowing from the West, and without a jacket you find your arms endowed with those pesky goosebumps that indicate quite a chill.

But us Montanans, we're tough. Real tough. Or maybe I shouldn't say we, but they. They being my children. My wonderfully brave, adventurous, itching-for-summer children. When opportunity presents itself, they jump at it. Fifty degrees equates to water fun right? Oh, I agree, that's exactly what I thought as I parked myself on the patio with my zoom lens.

This, by the way, is a day in Montana at the water slide:
Bathing Beauties (note the brown grass)
Splash Landing (aka: mud, mud and more mud)
Incoming (mud, again)
"Cool" defined
Have I said anything about mud yet?

And as a side note, yes we do feed Brody. Don't ya'll go calling CPS on me!

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